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274 Goodman Street North
Rochester, NY, 14607
United States


Space Camp

Space Camp


We Like to Learn by Doing and We Know You Do Too

We are thrilled to offer a signature Leadership Learning Lab Experience: “Space Camp.” The lab offers an incredibly unique opportunity and environment for seasoned leaders, business owners, managers, and change agents to actively explore the space in which innovation happens. We will experiment with innovation skills, tools, and practices that foster personal, team, and organization creativity and change, and have fun while doing it!

Badfish & The RMSC: An Innovative Partnership

Using the resources of BadFish and our friend and partner, the Rochester Museum & Science Center, our diverse faculty will guide, challenge, and support you in developing your innovative capabilities. We have designed a highly immersive experiential learning program that will have you exploring and playing with practices used by organizations such as IDEO, Google, Disney-Pixar, well–known jazz luminary Miles Davis and even the Positive Deviance Initiative. You will not see your world the same way when you leave and you will be better equipped to lead positive change and innovation where you live and work.

The Space Camp Experience

  • Three successive modules designed to progressively build key innovation competencies which can be applied at the individual, team and organization levels using the extensive resources of our diverse and highly skilled faculty and our partner, the Rochester Museum & Science Center

  • Become aware of your innovative self and how you play in team and organizational innovation

  • Practice discovery skills critical in innovation including skillful observation, associating seemingly disparate things, working across domains, exercising curiosity, playing with prototypes, experimenting and networking

  • Experience the richness and value of innovation tools and insights from across domains — art & design, science, history, organization science, and jazz

  • Explore the nature of innovation risk taking fear and build your creative confidence

You Will

  • Develop a deeper understanding of what innovation really is and what it involves at an individual and group level

  • Build your personal repertoire of innovation-driving skills including personal presence, giving and receiving feedback, effectively caring for and communicating your innovation

  • Cultivate our own personal courage and resilience, two key attributes of innovators

  • Gain experience using innovative and practical social tools to drive high impact change, engagement and innovation

  • Contribute to creating a climate for innovation to flourish in your organization

  • Work your own big innovation challenge throughout the program gaining skills, perspective, ideas, insight and feedback from our skilled faculty and learning cohort peers

Module I: Build

Develop a foundational understanding of innovation.

Discover your innovative self.

Begin to keenly observe the world in which you innovate .

Module II: Launch

Learn why people, dynamics and relationships really do matter.

Experience the dynamics of effective and ineffective innovation team relationships and explore key influencing factors.

Innovation and learning are tightly related. Grapple with how we must both learn and unlearn to innovate.

Module III: Re-entry

Gain insight and skill in getting your big ideas from the moon back safely to earth.

Apply your knowledge and skills to shifting your organization forward in its ability to innovate.

Based on our deep experience with organizational change we highly recommend that you consider attending with at least one other colleague from your organization also engaged in some facet of innovation or change. The shared learning opportunity this offers will help you to increase your effectiveness in applying your insights and learning to real change once the program is done.

Sessions are full days 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
with the exception of the first and last days
which will each end at 6:00 pm.

Enrollment will be capped to ensure a great experience.

Program Fee


Your Facilitators

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