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274 Goodman Street North
Rochester, NY, 14607
United States



“Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.”

— Marshall McLuhan



We are frequently engaged to help organizations figure out current organization readiness for change, root causes of an organization dysfunction or a desire to gain clarity on a complex situation. We work closely with you to create a plan to get at the heart of what matters, and then work with you on options for improvement once findings are surfaced and analyzed.

We use some proven and progressive collaborative and creative problem solving methods to uniquely involve you and your people so that change engagement and positive action are accelerated.

Please contact us directly at 585.613.6015 or drop us a line at badfishconsulting@gmail.com so that we can talk about what may be right for you.


Individual and Group

Organization Inquiry and Assessment

Personal style preferences

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)

The worlds most trusted personality assessment.  Improve performance by helping your people better understand themselves and others.  Easy to use, insightful reports and supporting resources useful for individuals and groups.

Leadership Development

Lominger VOICES®
360 Instrument and Development Tracker

These Lominger instruments are multi-rater tools used to assist individuals in improving their leadership effectiveness. VOICES® assesses sixty-seven competencies and nineteen career derailers that most impact job performance and promotion. This research based instrument is considered the world’s premier leadership development tool. VOICES® has 30 years of research on its underlying constructs and possesses predictive criterion validity.


Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator (ISPI®) 

This instrument allows you to see the invisible dynamics of your people, team, and organization to realize your true innovative potential.  The ISPI® highlights twelve orientations that compose an individual’s predispositions for a certain type of innovation.

Organization Inquiry and Assessment


Fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation-Behavior™ (Firo-B®)Assessment

The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™ (FIRO-B®) assessment has helped people around the world unlock the mysteries of human interaction at work and in their personal life for over fifty years. This instrument quickly gathers critical insights into how an individual’s needs for inclusion, control, and affection can shape his or her interactions with others.  It is ideal for use in one-on-one coaching, small groups, or team.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Indicator (TKI®)

Enable your leaders and others to handle conflict more effectively using the TKI®.  The TKI® is designed to identify a person’s behavior in conflict situations– those in which the concerns of two people appear to be incompatible. This instrument describes an individual’s conflict behaviors along two dimensions.  These two basic dimensions of behavior then define five different conflict-handling modes.  This instrument is most helpful for building team style awareness as well as with raising awareness and understanding in one on one conflicts.